A Typical Day at Hippings
Hippings Methodist Primary School day starts at 08.45am and finishes at 3.15pm Monday to Friday during term time. This equates to 32.5 hours per week
At Hippings Methodist Primary School there are 3 entrances to the school site, Alice Street gate, Bottom pedestrian gate on Heron Way that goes to KS2 playground, Top pedestrian gate on Heron Way that goes to school office and the main entrance. The school gates are opened in a morning at 08.40am and the doors to the building opened at 08.45am. Pupils should enter school at 08.45 am and go directly to their classroom. The school gates will be locked at 08.55am. Anyone arriving after this time should go to the main entrance with an adult to explain reason for lateness. At the end of the school day the gates are opened at 3.10pm and the pupils will leave the building at 3.15pm.
We have a breakfast club that starts at 08.00am every morning(Monday to Friday) and an after school club(Stay and Play) that runs until 5.15pm. These MUST be booked in advance using the School Money App.
Our School Day KS2
08.45am- Enter school via appropriate classroom door
08.50am- Registration
10.15am- KS2 Worship(10.30am Monday and Friday)
10.30am- KS2 Morning Break
10.45am- Return to classroom
12.00pm- 1.00pm- Lunchtime
1.00pm- Registration
3.15pm- Close of school day
3.15pm- A number of extra curricular activities are available to sign up to throughout the year. These usually run for an hour after school.
Our School Day Rec/KS1
08.45am - Enter school via appropriate classroom door
08.50am - Registration
10.30am - EYFS/KS1 Worship(Whole school Monday and Friday)
10.45am- EYFS/KS1 Morning Break
11.00am Return to classroom
12.00pm-1.00pm Lunchtime
1.00pm -Registration
3.15pm- Close of school day
3.15pm- A number of extra curricular activities are available to sign up to throughout the year. These usually run for an hour after school.