Please complete the Medicine consent form and bring into school with your child’s medicine. Please bring it to the School Office. Do not put it in your child’s bag.
Whenever possible, we ask that parents come to school to administer prescribed medicines to their children if this is necessary during the day. If this is not possible, and you wish a member of staff to do this for you, please contact the Headteacher personally to make arrangements.
We are not able to administer any form of medicine to the children without precise written details of dosages, times and the nature of the illness for which the medicine has been prescribed.
We have a particular concern for children who suffer from asthma and ask parents to complete a registration card in conjunction with their GP to provide details of asthma problems and current treatment. Any child who is prescribed an inhaler for Asthma MUST have an inhaler kept in school at all times. This must have the child’s name on it and will be kept in an accessible basket in the child’s classroom.