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The school employs a variety of teaching methods. For some of the time the children will be taught as a whole class, at other times they may work in groups or individually. The way in which teaching and learning is organised is based on the following principles:

identifying, valuing and building on each pupil’s existing skills, knowledge and experience

creating a learning environment which focusses on individual needs, interests and concerns, yet requires pupils to work collaboratively

establishing high personal and school expectations and clear targets within the capabilities of each pupil

requiring pupils to accept responsibilities and develop qualities of initiative and persistence

encouraging self-evaluation and the development of self-esteem

providing opportunities for success by systematic encouragement and the recording of achievement of each pupil

The curriculum of the school is based on the National Curriculum which provides framework for content, programmes of study and attainment levels. The National Curriculum comprises the following subjects:

Core Subject: Mathematics, English, Science, Computing

Foundation Subjects: Design Technology, History, Geography, Music, Art,

Physical Education, Religious Education, PSHE/RSE

Modern Foreign Languages KS2

Within each subject, Learning objectives set the standards and content for what the children should know.

Age groups are determined by the age of most of the children in the class: 

Reception children are aged 4-5, Year 1 are 5-6, Year 2 are 6-7 and so on up to Year 6, at the end of which the children have reached their 11th birthday and transfer to secondary school. 

The Reception class (R) is classed as the FOUNDATION STAGE,  

KEY STAGE 1 comprises of Years 1 and 2 

 KEY STAGE 2 comprises of Year 3 to 6. 

Under the revised National Curriculum children work towards Age Related Expectations for their year group. They will be assessed as Working Towards(Emerging), Working At Age Related(Expected) or Working at Greater Depth within the standard (GDS). Children are Teacher assessed throughout the year and also have Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) at the end of KS1(Year 2) and end of KS2(Year 6). At the end of Year 1, children are assessed on their knowledge of PhonicsYear 4 pupils also complete a statutory Multiplication Check at the end of the school year. Parents are notified of the results of these assessments.